Jikon Junmai Daiginjo "Tokujo Omachi"
Limit 1 bottle per household per customer. Any attempts to obtain more than 1 bottle per household per customer will be refunded immediately. This is True Sake's attempt at letting everyone get to try Jikon, not just collectors.
From the official importer Skurnik:
The story about this one-of-a-kind sake centers around the best Omachi rice available to anyone in the world. It is one of the only true “heirloom” varietals of sake brewing rice. Omachi is a particularly delicate rice varietal with low yields.
*This sake is made with the absolute top grade (Tokujo) of Omachi rice from the 2023 harvest. Just 0.1% of all Omachi is classified as Tokujo, resulting in just 28-pyo (30 kg sacks of rice).
Omachi brings dark and herbal shadings to the usually light and pretty styles of sake like Daiginjo. Jikon is particularly well known for their delicate and precise workings with koji.
Brewery: Kiyasho Shuzo
Rice: Highest Grade Tokujo Omachi milled to 40%
Yeast: Kyokai #9 (cultivated in house)
Water: Nabari River well water (medium soft)