True Sake Newsletter No. 229 ⏰ SAKE DAY Countdown ⏰
Welcome to the 229th consecutive issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this power-packed September issue, meet this year’s winner of the International Sake Soul of the Year Award for 2023 Mr. Marcus V. Pakiser, say hello to a superstar customer Owen Randall and read about what brews float his boat, book your tickets to go visit six northern Japanese sake breweries on a tour with David Sakamoto and Jizake Quest, meet Shin and Eiko Kodama from Akita Prefecture (makers of Tenko) at an in-store tasting at True Sake Saturday September 9th, go Beau-Zoning with a Junmai Daiginjo from Zaku, check out the latest New Store Arrivals, get the inside scoop from Chris about yet another hype raffle, and try to get the last available space at the Sake Scholar Course in Japantown SF right before SAKE DAY.
SAKE DAY – International Sake Soul of the Year 2023 Marcus V Pakiser
Sake People – Say Hello to Owen Randall A True Sake Customer with Sake Passion
Sake Tours – Go Visit 6 Sake Breweries in Northern Japan In November
In-Store Tasting – Kodama Shuzo Makers of Tenko with Eiko and Shin
The “Beau Zone Layer” – Zaku “Kaizan Ittekisui”
Chris’s Sake Corner – Juyondai Raffle!
New Store Arrivals – Gakki Masamune, Tamagawa, Zaku, Date 7, Noguchi
The Secret Word –