True Departures – Bon Voyage Shin!
This is the very classic sad happy news scenario. True Sake is losing one of its heart and soul team members to the great unknown, and I don’t mean he’s dead. Since 2014, Shinsuke Yamamoto has been an integral and damn funny part of our sake family. But alas, young Shin has that Seven-Year-Itch and wants to go see the world including heavy time in Japan.
From day one, Shin fit into our family unit swimmingly and it was a pleasure to spend our time selling sake with smiles on our faces courtesy of Shin’s humor and general great nature. I personally enjoyed spending time with a true born and bred San Franciscan, who greatly epitomizes the SF way, and I greatly enjoyed that Shin loves sake.
Every sake journey is different and it’s been a tremendous honor watching and aiding Shin on his own sake path discovering what sake means to him. Oh! And Shin has a fan club, because of his journey and that knowledge. And yes, it’s a big fan club. A day didn’t go by when a person didn’t wave at Shin through the window or came in to say hi. And of course our great customers love him. He has the incredible ability to express the passion that rests in each bottle of sake and can communicate that to folks wanting to know more about this sake or that one.
November will be Shin’s last month with us, so if you want to pop by to say hi and bye, I’m sure he would appreciate that. If you cannot visit the shop then please feel free to drop Shin an email at shinsuke@truesake.com if there’s something that you’d like to say.

And to spice up Shin’s last month we want to draw attention to our “Staff Picks” section, which has really taken off with some very up to the minute selections by the best in the biz True Sake Crew. For the month of November we will take 20% off each of Shin’s Sake Picks, so that you can enjoy some of his favorite selections before he hits the high seas!
Shin is True Sake through and through, and we wish him the happiest and most rewarding experiences that life has to offer.
Bon voyage big guy, and happy trails my friend.