SAKE DAY – Reminder That Early Bird Tickets Go On Sale June 1st
This is a HUGE reminder to set your alarm and put that Post-It Note on your fridge to buy SAKE DAY “Early Bird” Tickets on June 1st
Last year the “Early Bird” Tickets SOLD OUT in 8 hours, very much like Outside Lands Tickets, but cooler!
As you know SAKE DAY always sells out, but those “Early Bird” Tickets go very fast and since you are a part of our True Sake Newsletter we want you to get first crack at the best ticket in town.

We also want you to get more involved with the SAKE DAY “Experience,” which includes sakeday.com and @sakedaysf on Instagram. Check out both of these efforts and get involved by sending us pictures that you want to share with our SAKE DAY family. You can send pictures and stories to info@sakeday.com and we will push the best ones to all of our channels, so we can better share the SAKE DAY “Experience.” Remember to also give us your IG handle!
Last year all of the ticket proceeds netted $50,000 and went directly to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California who once again will be the beneficiaries and Partners of SAKE DAY 2024 – the 19th Anniversary of one of the longest standing and largest “Nihonshu no Hi” Day of Sake celebration in the world.