Sake Lessons – Staying “Balanced” In Weird Times
Notice anything weird going on in the news? Notice anything weird going on around the world? Strange days indeed folks. From our True Sake family to yours, we want you to stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive. We will get through this. We always do.
Like good sake, times like these call for balance. Be balanced in your actions and your outlook on this situation. Balance is that guiding strength that keeps things grounded and not spastic. Think positively and let your own personal balance help navigate us through this very peculiar moment in our lives. Balance is good!

For those not in the Bay Area who perhaps do not feel like traveling to the store, remember that we do ship, and your computer is a good thing. There has been no disruption in sake making its way from Japan to the US as of now, and we do not hear any grumblings of things otherwise. This is of course subject to change and we will keep you posted.
We appreciate your business, but more importantly we appreciate you and your friendship. Be balanced during this weirdness, help others, and remember that we are in this together.