Beau Zone Layer – Kirinzan Junmai Ginjo

This month’s BZL is a tribute to our friend Ataru Kobayashi, founder of Niigata Sake Selections who recently passed away. In his honor I’d like to remind people about one of his breweries in their fantastic portfolio called Kirinzan, makers of some amazing brews in very distinctive beveled bottles. I greatly enjoy the Junmai Ginjo, because it is contrarian sake that doesn’t play in the typical JG space. It is more ricey and base than fruity aromatic Junmai Ginjo. And, you can warm it! What? Warming a Niigata Junmai Ginjo? You betcha. This baby is one of those different brews that is an amazing food pairing brew and you can enjoy at three different temperatures. I love it. Why? It reminds you that sake is made with rice. And, it’s elegant. And, it’s different. And, I know Ataru would enjoy the fact that I’m drinking it in his honor. You should too!