The New True – True Sake 2.0 is Officially Open

now open for you to explore an incredible amount of sake. The great news is that we are making history again by offering perhaps one of the largest selections of sake in the world! Yes, we said the world, which of course includes Japan.
Due in large part to the small size of the “Old" True Sake, we had to be careful limiting our sake selection on account of less space and smaller refrigeration area. That no longer is the case, and as we move our incredibly fresh and spectacular current offerings, we now realize that we have a ton of space to add so many new labels. More labels means more selection for you.

We are ripe with so many new sake offerings. There is so much new sake getting exported, and we are enjoying trying to catch up and trying to carry as much as possible. This of course means more online webshop offerings and more reviews! Yes, those lovely reviews that are the culmination of True Sake team tastings and notes will continue in an even greater capacity.
But we also want to salute and cheer on those older brands that have been with us for the past 20 years!
These old guard labels should truly be respected and saluted for the fact that

they were the pioneer brands that came to the US shores first. These amazing sake breweries need to be recognized for taking a chance on international exporting sake history. They deserve attention and devotion amongst the hundreds of new sake offerings as these special breweries made a market here in the US. And True Sake was with them every step of the way.
So please come visit us at 556 Hayes Street to see for yourself how much sake is out there, and how many sake adventures are in store for you, and your sake loving friends. But most importantly of all, come to True Sake to say hello and interact with the best sake people in the business.
Team True Sake is #1 in the sake story telling-and-selling game, but you already knew that. We are here for you.