True Sake Newsletter No. 245 - ✨ ¼ Century of Sake 🎊
Welcome to the 245th issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this chilly winter edition, look for some tremendous anniversaries and birthdays like the 35th Anniversary of a very special sake that is made in Akita Prefecture known as Tenko 40, read about how SAKE DAY raised $60k for the JCCCNC “Center,” celebrate the 300th Birthday of Urakasumi, rejoice in the fact that Isshobin Month is now a thing and you are a major part of that, meet our newest team member Zoe and take a gander at her Staff Picks, step up to the plate in our new section called “Baller Sake” and take a swing at Daishichi’s Omega, enjoy some January sake ideas in Taste with KJ, go Beau-Zoning in Miyagi Prefecture with a “Prototypical” Junmai, check out the New Store Arrivals, and of course don’t forget the Secret Word!
Sake Landmarks - When A Special Sake Turns 35 Years-Old (Tenko 40)
Sake Update – SAKE DAY Donation, Urakasumi Turns 300, Isshobin Month Totals
True Sake Spotlight – Meet Zoe and Enjoy Her “Staff Picks”
“Baller Sake” – The New Section Highlighting One of Kind Sakes
Taste With KJ – How to Enjoy SAKE this Dry January
The “Beau-Zone” Layer – Urakasumi “Junmai”
New Store Arrivals – Gikyo, Yuki Otoko, MUWA, Niizawa