The Beau-Zone Layer – Kikusakari Kurahibiki

From Ibaraki Prefecture.
Junmai Daiginjo
SMV: +5 Acidity: 1.5
You might not recognize the brand name, but you do know the maker Kiuchi Brewery, makers of Hitachino Nest Beer, and a very important sake to the True Sake experience. Many moons ago, I wrote a book for Chronicle Books called “Sake – A Modern Guide.” On page 50, you will see this exact bottle of sake on the entrance table at our old store location (right next door). I featured this brew in the front of the store over 15 years ago because it was A) awesome sake B) beautiful packaging and C) because I loved the brewery! I had never been to Kiuchi Brewery until I ventured there last November, and I must say that it is a very important brewery to Ibaraki Prefecture, and a very very important brewery for the sake industry, because they see how marketable sake is in the modern libation setting. This brew is no exception, because it drinks as smooth as it looks. And as you know looks aren’t everything. But taste is, and this stunner is extremely tasty. Wide, expansive, complex, and very full, this Yamadanishiki-based brew is a perfect wine glass partner that is well chilled.