True Sake – The New Norm!
We are functioning as well as can be expected to wear our gloves, masks, and keeping a large distance between our pick-up customers and us. It is with great pride to say that for the most part we have caught up to the massive amount of outstanding orders that came at us from all parts of the country in incredible numbers. We took a month’s worth of orders in the first week that we were open. A huge tip of the hat to Mei, who has navigated this onslaught with an awesome calmness and balance, and we welcomed back Saki, who has been a packaging rock-star setting new store records for daily packed orders. It’s safe to say that we have found our pace once again and have been gradually feeling better in what we call our new “Norm.” What is our new norm at True Sake?
The store is open Monday-Friday 12-4PM. We are taking orders on-line as usual, and have a very good sense of what our distributors have in stock and availability. We are also doing a very brisk “Pick-Up” order system, which has been very safe and successful and we would like to stress using this system if you can. It saves money and packaging expenses, and gives you immediate sake gratification. We are also using a San Francisco only delivery service called Deliv, which you must phone the store to order, and your address must be in SF.
We wanted to thank all of you who took advantage of our special reduced price of our local sake brewer’s products. It is very important for us to stay united with Sequoia and Den Sake during these difficult times, and we would like to encourage you to continue to support these two amazing breweries. Our special is now over but they are still very affordable and delicious sakes and it would be awesome if you continue to purchase their products!