The Beau-Zone Layer
Masumi Okuden “Mirror of Truth”
From Nagano Prefecture. Junmai. SMV: +3 Acidity: 1.6
Have you ever tasted a “TTB” sake? Huh? TTB? Sure! A “Three Temperature Brew”. Or a sake that drinks great in at least three temperature zones. Okkuden is one of those magical sakes that drinks wonderfully chilled. But it also excels at room temperature. But Wait! It warms well too! A three temperature brew! Here’s your chance to taste a sake at three temperature points, which are all tasty! But how? I think the key is balance. Okuden is such a balanced sake that even a nuisance such as temperature can’t make it falter. How great is that?
What’s even more fun is pairing three different food items at three different temperatures. (Think tofu at three temps, or edamame, sushi, and miso soup all with Okuden at the temp of the dish!) Nagano gets hot in the summer, which is good for chilled Okuden. It is crisp in the Fall, which is good for room temp Okuden. And Of course it gets cold in the winter, which is great for warmed Okuden. Get the picture? Good! Now get the brew and take a look in the mirror of truth about a great warming sake!