Fallin' October
Welcome to the 146th Issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this very seasonal issue take a good look at a category of sakes called Hiyaoroshi or “Fall Draft” brews, get your sake facts straight and check out what a monster year the industry had in 2015, see what you missed at Sake Day 2016 from the TS Team’s perspective, learn what Bloomberg has to say about new designations in sake, shop our Hiyaoroshi sakes in New Store Arrivals, take a peak at a very unusual but awesome cooking sake in the Beau-Zone Layer, and ask BT what he would be doing if he weren’t writing this Newsletter in the “Ask Beau” section.

In this issue:
- Sake Moments – Fall Flavors “Hiyaoroshi” Style
- Sake Facts – Some Current Sake Statistics
- Sake Day 2016 – Recap of a Truly Amazing 11th Anniversary
- True Sake In The News - Bloomberg
- New Store Arrivals – Hiyaoroshi Fall Drafts Are Back!
- The Beau-Zone - Ooki Daikichi Hoten Konnichiwa Cooking Sake
- Sake Shipping – Are You In A “Bad” State?
- Sake Images – Photos From The Soul Of Sake
- “Ask Beau” – “What would you be doing if you weren’t at True Sake?”