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Welcome to the 156th Issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this 13th year’s anniversary of the True Sake Newsletter, we say take a look at alcohol vs. acidity when tasting sake, read about a new “popularity” push in the sake market, get one of the last seats in John Gauntner’s sake course, Cowboy it up with a fantastic sake brewer for an in-store tasting, take in the new updates for Sake Day and get your tix immediately, check out what KJ pulls from the “Archives,” go for it in the Top Ten where we point out the most boozy sakes in the store, get your Tears of Dawn on in the Beau-Zone Layer, behold the New Store Arrivals, and Ask Beau what 13 years of sake content looks like and what we should do with it!

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In this issue:

Previous article “Ask Beau” – “What are some of your favorite Sake Day memories?”
Next article Sake Truths – You Booze You Lose? Not Always!